
我国的道路交通事故分为以下四类,轻微事故,一般事故, 重大事故,特大事故,请问那个法规里面有规定或解释,找了道路交通安全法和公路法都没有,请各位给出是哪部法律法规里面对交通事故四种分类进行了定义或解释?

第1个回答  2010-05-07
With the summer upon us, many ski resorts have suspended their winter sports holidays for the season,

Colorado's ski season is coming to a quick close, More than half of Colorado's ski resorts have already closed for the summer. The remainder will be closed the first week of June. Some of the more popular resorts like Aspen, Keystone and Vail have already closed. Summertime for Aspen, as well as other Colorado resorts, means camping, concerts and plenty of park activities.

In California, Lake Tahoe ski areas closed at the end of April. During the summer months, Lake Tahoe provides just as much fun for outdoor enthusiasts golf,Daniel Sedin jersey, fishing, rafting, hiking, biking, sailing and lake cruises, just to name a few. Youth camps and extreme summer camps for kids are available during the summer. The resorts also offer gaming and other indoor activities,

Utah is also closed for skiing holidays. The Snowbird resort won't be closing their ski season until May 26, but will be open only Friday through Sunday during May. Summertime activities in Snowbasin and other Colorado destinations include fly fishing, water skiing, windsurfing, backpacking and sightseeing. Of course camping is also an option in your favorite wintertime ski areas.

Recent weather conditions have caused some ski resorts to close early for the season,

Some North Carolina ski resorts expected to be open until midApril, but closed earlier in March due to above normal temperatures and inconsistent weather patterns. Asheville's Hawksnest in Seven Devils was set to close near the end of March. Seven Devils offers a lot to do during the summer months as well as the ski season, Golfing, hiking,Henrik Sedin jersey, fishing and area theme parks are among some of the attractions, Asheville,Ndamukong Suh jersey, North Carolina is also cheap jersey to the grand Biltmore estate, which is a very wellknown tourist attraction during the summer months.

Several European ski resorts also closed early. Through the years, many resorts have remained open through June, but this year most are already closed or will do soon due to lack of snow. Of course this causes concern for resort owners for coming years. Some are concerned that global warming is causing shorter winters and less snowfall. Others simply believe it is due to a mild 20072008 winter,

Abondance, one of the smaller resort towns in the Alps, was the first to shut down permanently due to lack of snow. Abondance, though not a functioning ski holidays resort for a year now, offers marked snowshoe paths with guided tours and 10 km of crosscountry ski tracks. For cheeselovers, this small town offers up its specialty cheeses made from cows raised locally, Family discovery holidays are very popular in Abondance,

Many other resorts in the Alps offer great summertime holiday packages. Some packages include camping, hiking and even language classes for those who wish to learn French. Some of the more popular summertime camps offer guided tours of museums and art galleries throughout the Alps. Hiking, biking, windsurfing, paragliding and ballooning are very popular summertime activities enjoyed summertime visitors.

Additionally, you may choose to take an airguided tour to experience a true birdseye view of the Alps.

Ski resorts offer much more than skiing and snowboarding. Many people often don't consider these resorts when planning summertime holiday destinations, Ski resorts worldwide welcome summertime visitors and offer many unique activities for individuals and families.

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第2个回答  2020-07-27


















第3个回答  2018-04-13
第4个回答  2015-05-08
第5个回答  2010-05-07
最高院《关于审理交通肇事刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》( 法释〔2000〕33号)
第1条 从事交通运输人员或非交通运输人员,违反交通运输管理法规发生重大交通事故,在分清事故责任的基础上,对于构成犯罪的,依照刑法第一百三十三条的规定定罪处罚。
第2条 交通肇事具有下列情形之一的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役:
(一)酒后、吸食毒品后驾驶机动车辆的; (二)无驾驶资格驾驶机动车辆的;
(四)明知是无牌证或者已报废的机动车辆而驾驶的; (五)严重超载驾驶的;
第三条“交通运输肇事后逃逸”,是指行为人具有本解释第二条第一款规定和第二款第(一)至(五)项规定的情形之一,在发生 交通事故后,为逃避法律追究而逃跑的行为。
第四条 交通肇事具有下列情形之一的,属于“有其它特别恶劣 情节”,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑:
(三)造成公共财产或者他人财产直接损失,负事故全部或者主 要责任,无能力赔偿数额在六十万元以上的。
第六条 行为人在交通肇事后为逃避法律追究,将被害人带离事故现场后隐藏或者遗弃,致使被害人无法得到救助而死亡或者严重残疾的,应当分别依照刑法第二百三十二条、第二百三十四条第二款的规定,以故意杀人罪或者故意伤害罪定罪处罚。