50分 跪求一篇英语作文写网购利与弊的,80词左右,不要一大片的那种 利:方便快捷 各种物品一应俱...

50分 跪求一篇英语作文写网购利与弊的,80词左右,不要一大片的那种 利:方便快捷 各种物品一应俱全,便于挑选,价格便宜,节省钱。 弊:不够安全,有些物品质量不好,上网时间增多,对身体不好。 速度 要就发短信到我手机上13979587394

第1个回答  2013-01-28
Now,as scientist is developing,we don't need to go
shopping in the traditional way.We can now shop on
the internet.Though it is a new way,it also
has its own advantages and disadvantages.打不下
第2个回答  2013-02-11
Recently shopping online is becoming increasing fashionable. and then i d like to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of it.Advantage:1. it saves a great deal of time and energy owing to
第3个回答  2013-01-28
Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping