

Had a burning of the holiday, the new semesterhas begun. The poet once said: God gave everyone a precious gift, that is youth. Youth isa brand new, in your mind there is always so many new ideas, new methods, new feelings, new works, new experiences, new ideas, new act, in your eyes the sun rising every day is new of; youth is happy, basketball court sweat to run, you are the future of Air Jordan; computer room in the fingers flying, you are tomorrow's Bill. cover unbridled; music class sang, you are the most famous of this century singer. . . . . .Every day, I always happy to build their own future, the courage to create their own future, hope for me, I am not disappointed, even the difficulties I would tell myself "I can do it!!." Smile for me, tears do not belong to me, the face of failure, I will play victory sign, casual tohim say "BYE BYE"; wisdom belongs to me, emptiness does not belong to me, to grasp every moment, and I next to a beautiful agreement.A new a new semester in front of me, and this is my life, a new starting point, a small station,has been sounding the siren to set sail today, I believe that my boat will sail, arrived at the shore belongs to me!
第1个回答  2013-10-15