

关键词:网络教育 可行性 在职教师

这是我的毕业论文 这部分要求用英文 实在是难死人了

第1个回答  2008-03-20
The apperance of modern internet dosen't only take huge convenience to people's work and daily life, but also it offers a new way of study,a wider choice to most leaners.

The education under internet is an efficiency one or not,wether has feasibility.What advantages will be given to the students who study online ,and what problems will appear?

Many teachers who are in-service are lack of condition to continue their study in adapt college and insititution,because of their job or other reasons.Is it possible for the teachers in-service finish their study effectively on the internet ,a different environment than that in traditional education.
Based on the questions below,i have got that teachers in-service can partly finish their missions of study through this new modle of education,the education online(最后结论要和你自己的论文名一致,我不知道你把网络教育翻译成什么,要跟你自己论文名称翻译一致)

key words: 关键词
Eduction online 网络教育
Feasibility 可行性
Teacher in-service 在职教师
第2个回答  2008-03-20

Abstract: The appearance of modern network provide to poeple not only the convenience of work and daily life, but also a totally new method of study,a broader channel for the learners.The education under the network environment is effective or not,it's feasible or not, what kind advantage it will provide to learner, and meanwhile what kind of problems it will cause. Most teachers who want to study further can not go to the relevant high school or unit,because of the work and other reasons. whether they can finish their study effectively through the network which is diffrent with the traditional education. Regard to the above questions, we get the conclusion by the social survey,case analysis and data collection, that most teachers incombency are able to finish study task through network the new education mode.

Key Words: Network Education Feasibility Teachers incumbency
第3个回答  2008-03-20
The recent emergence of the internet not only brings the convenience to people's work and daily lives, but also provides a new way of learning, which opens up a much broader learning channel to students.
Is distant internet an efficient way of enducation? Is it feasible? What advantages will it bring to students? And at the same time, what problems will it raise?
Lots of teachers in active service who need further education but can not go to colleges or institutions due to their work and some other reasons,choose to complete their study under this controversial way of learning.
Is it possible for them to finish the content via the distant education?
Based on the questions above, through surveys, analyzing examples from the past and collecting the information, it can be concluded that: the teachers who are in active service can complete their study through distant internet education at a certain level.本回答被提问者采纳