
When the Breen twins of Lexington, Ky., started applying to college last fall, they just assumed that schools would look at their dad's new job as a controller for a hospital company in Tennessee, and the fact that their mom was going to lose her job as a special-education assistant when she moved to join their father at his new job, and provide enough grants to allow them to attend. "People in the middle class live pretty much paycheck to paycheck," says Matthew Breen, 19. "They can't come up with $35,000 a year. That's absurd." Then, in March, Matthew and Ryan started getting thick letters-and their first lesson in college economics. While some of the schools patched together enough grants so that they could just cover their costs, others gave the Breens little option but to take out big loans. "It was really unnerving," Matthew says. "Your financial situation doesn't necessarily dictate how much aid you'll get."

本文章是关于 现代美国中产家庭的现实一面的新闻报道,我的翻译是口语翻译

When the Breen twins of Lexington, Ky., started applying to college last fall,
当肯塔基州Lexington市的 Breen家 的2个孩子(双胞胎)在秋季报读了今年大学时,

they just assumed that schools would look at their dad's new job as a controller for a hospital company in Tennessee, and the fact that their mom was going to lose her job as a special-education assistant when she moved to join their father at his new job, and provide enough grants to allow them to attend.

他们2个认为 他们可以指望 他们老爸在田纳西州医院作为总务科长的新工作,但事实是他们老妈会因为和他们老爸一起搬过去 田纳西州 而失去原来的 “特别助教”这份工作。因为这个情况他们2个的学费可能会遇到困难。

"People in the middle class live pretty much paycheck to paycheck," says Matthew Breen, 19. "They can't come up with $35,000 a year. That's absurd."

19岁的 Matthew 表述说:“现在的中产阶层的经济条件比以前差,都是再等月底发工资来支持生活,(paycheck to paycheck 是一个美国 和 加拿大的俚语,意思是每一个月的工资都完全花光没办法存钱)他还说:“一个中产家庭 连 35000美金一年的额外开销都拿不出来,非常荒唐”(这里的35000美金映射对比的是他们的学费)

Then, in March, Matthew and Ryan started getting thick letters-and their first lesson in college economics.
在之后的三月份当 Matthew 和 Ryan 2兄弟在读大学经济系时,也开始收到学费缴费单。

While some of the schools patched together enough grants so that they could just cover their costs, others gave the Breens little option but to take out big loans.

当 部分学校 因为财务压力把 助学奖学金压缩的同时,Breens氏2兄弟没有多少选择只能跟
国家学生贷款计划 借钱读书。

"It was really unnerving," Matthew says. "Your financial situation doesn't necessarily dictate how much aid you'll get."

Matthew 说:“这样借钱读书令到他感觉不安”他又说:“你的个人财务情况 不应该被《你能贷多少款》来规范。”

Your financial situation doesn't necessarily dictate how much aid you'll get
“ 你的财务状况并不一定决定你会得到多少援助。”
“对于你会得到多少援助不一定取决于你的财务状况。” 反正是其中一个

因为这是一个新闻采访类的文章,有时候他们里面的意思和文字表达 是需要看完整篇报道才能够完整合理翻译全部意思。所以你可以把后面的也打出来吗?

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第1个回答  2012-01-02
当肯塔基州列克星敦市的布林双胞胎去年秋天开始申请入大学时,他们认为学校会看他们的父亲在田纳西州的医院公司作为财务主管的新工作,和他们的妈妈会失去她作为一个特殊的教育助理的工作,随他们的父亲上任他的新工作的实际情况,并提供足够的助学金使他们能上大学。 “中产阶层几乎靠每月的工资度日”,19岁的马修.布林说 “他们拿不出每年35000美元(学费),这太荒谬了”。然后,在3月份,马修和瑞安开始收到厚厚的信--他们的大学经济学的第一课。有些学校拼凑足够的助学金,使他们能够支付基本费用,有的给布林兄弟的是除了借很大的贷款外别无选择。 “这真是令人沮丧” 马修说。“你的财务现况并不一定决定你会得到多少助学金。”