
( )1 it is in front____the apple.
a.of b.at c.that
( )2 how many __can you see?i can see five.
a.mice b. apple c. milk
( )3 i___going to buy chocolates.
a.is b.am c.are
( )4\they are going to____.
a.dance b.dances c.dancing
( )5 what are you doing on sunday?_we're going to__.
a.shopping b.shop c. go shopping
( )6\what ____you need? some bread and cola.
a.do b. can c.does
( )7 how many trainers ____there in fifty pairs?
a.is b.are c.be
( )8\there is going to___a tea party on friday.
a.is b.are c.be
( )9\he'll ____some orange juice.
abring b.brings c.bringing
( )10\____about noodles? great idea.
a.who b.what c.where

( )5 what are you doing on sunday?_we're going to__.
a.shopping b.shop c. go shopping
B. 我们打算购物。(C. 我们打算去购物)
be going to 用得是如此多,以致于人们将它看作一个准情态助动词相当于will, 可以表示“将来”,而与“去”意无关,如:I am going to stay at home. 如果这样去现解,则C也是语法正确,意思明白的。go shopping常用来表示“去购物”。只是觉得go用重复了。

( )7 how many trainers ____there in fifty pairs?
a.is b.are c.be
译:在五十双(对)。。。中有多少个trainers? ( trainer: 训练员?)
析:是不是打错什么了? 网上见到的多为:
How many shoes are there in fifty pairs?
How many shoes are there in twenty-six pairs? 26双鞋是多少只鞋?
How many socks are there in three pairs? 三双袜子里有几只?
Trainers are shoes that people wear, especially for running and other sports. (BRIT; in AM, use sneakers)
麦克米兰英语词典 - American trainer: 2 [usually plural] BRITISH a SNEAKER that you wear on your foot
原来如此! 学无止境啊!
第1个回答  2011-09-30
1. 选A, 固定介词短语 in front of
2. 选A, 名词复数mice, apple是单数,milk不可数名词,要用how much
3. 选B, am 和 I 连用,没啥好说的。
4. 选A, be going to do, 应该接动词原形
5. 选B, 同上,shop也可以做动词,当“购物”解, 选C就显得比较啰嗦
6. 选A, 一般现在时的特殊疑问句
7. 选B, there be句型,主语是trainers,复数,所以用are
8. 选C, there be 句型和 be going to do 句型的复合型,用动词原形
9. 选A, 一般将来时的标准句型,没啥好解释的
10. 选B, what about...是固定用法,意思是“...怎么样?”主要在提出自己的想法和建议的时候使用,记住。
第2个回答  2011-09-30
in front of 是固定搭配。
many 后加可数名词的复数,b 选项的形式不对,应为apples。c选项是不可数名词。只有a。mice是 mouse的复数,属于特殊名词的变形。
和i 搭配的只能是am。
be going to do sth.是固定搭配。应该用动词原形。
shop 在这时动词。购物的意思。
need 在这是实义动词,用助动词do来提问。还有就是you作主语助动词应该用do.

many trainers 是复数主语,应该用are.

原因同3.4 题。be going to be.
will 后用动词原形。he'll =he will
what about 用于征询意见。
第3个回答  2011-09-30
1. A ( in front of ... :在...... 之前)
2. A (how many + 可数名词的复数,而mice 是mouse 的复数形式)
3. B ( be going to do sth.是一般将来时,意为“打算去做某事”。当动词为 come, go, leave, start 和 fly 时,就用动词的现在进行时结构来表达一般将来时的含义。)
4. A ( be going to + 动词原形)
5. C ( go shopping 是词组,意为“去购物”)
6. A (need 为实意动词,意为“需要”,因此当变成疑问句时要加助动词;而句子主语为you, 非第三人称单数,因此要用助动词 do 。)
7. B ( 这是 there be 句型,因为trainers 是复数,因此be 动词要用复数形式:are)
8. C ( 当 there be 句型用于一般将来时态中时,要把 is going to / will 放在 there 和 be 之间)
9. A ( 一般将来时态中,be going to / will + 动词原形)
10. B ( How about / What about ... ? 是表示建议的句型,意为“ ....... 怎么样?)
第4个回答  2011-09-30
( )1 it is in front____the apple.
a.of 固定搭配
( )2 how many __can you see?i can see five.
a. mice how many 后跟可数名词复数 mice是mouse的复数
( )3 i___going to buy chocolates.
b.am I用am
( )4\they are going to____.
a.dance be going to 的后跟动词原形
( )5 what are you doing on sunday?_we're going to__.
b.shop shop有时也可汉动词用
( )6\what ____you need? some bread and cola.
a.do 用助动词
( )7 how many trainers ____there in fifty pairs?
b.are trainers是复数
( )8\there is going to___a tea party on friday.
a.is there be要用就近原则,a tea party
( )9\he'll ____some orange juice.
a .bring 'll=will 跟动词原形
( )10\____about noodles? great idea.
b.what 固定搭配