The Changchun net passes assistant network engineer
Is responsible to assist network engineer to carry on themaintenance to the network support department local area network,causes this ability in
Under the safe convenient network environment the work, savedthe cost for the company, enhanced the efficiency
Enhanced to the computer network - mainly is the local area networkand the virtual local area network build and the maintenance
Jilin University security office security information studentassistant
Directly is led security office sheriff, is responsible to leadthe Jilin University Lake Nanhu school area all securitiesinformation
Carries on the security information collection, the securityeducates the speaking and business and so on vacation student nursingschool team
Raised the team consciousness, manages the ability Can with also beally's team members becomes integrated with since the schoolmate,
And assists the security office police officer to capture athief person
Jilin University communication engineering institute sports departmentminister
The success organization many times large-scale sports, andthe assistance institute organization games athlete selects and
Work and so on literary performance
The success organization institute movement team attends the schoolgames, assists the institute the Jilin big school to transport in2005
Moved at the meeting to capture the 5th historical best resultby the total score 39 minute result
Jilin University mass organization federation basketball associationpresident
Has organized many times the basketball activity, through therelation company, the coordination and the negotiations, theaccumulation attraction supports 5000
Yu Yuan
The organization school area security information subsidizes theimpoverished dropout
Proficiently lives Jilin Province through the school relation三岔河 to increase the abundant town prosperous ditch village to beout of school because of the congenital hepatitis B
The Zhao sunshine, and the accumulation subsidizes its 3,000Yuan