[高分翻译] 人工 中译英 翻译的好可以追加悬赏 4



半年后,Fiona晚上下班回家后,在家看报纸的时候,发现报纸上的一条新闻,本XX市XX街XX小区的13号401和402室和本XX市CC街CC小区的13号 401,402室连续出现匪夷凶杀案,目前为止 死亡人数已经超过14人,失踪3人,至今尚未找到失踪人口,其中14位死者均为窒息而死,死相极为恐怖,凶器为极其长的头发,目前,警方正在全力调查中,请各位市民在晚上11点以后不要外出,或者有陌生人敲门要提高警惕,最好不要开门,如果有任何线索或者知情人关于此次事件请与警方联系。我们讲感激不尽。谢谢配合。

Fiona放下报纸,此时的她陷入在一片沉思之中,一个个疑问出现在她的脑海中,为什么现在‘它’的范围扩大了? 而就在此时,突然间,“叩、叩、叩”一阵冰冷、而毫无温度的规则的敲门声再次在她家的门外响起…

“ ..F.i..o….n.a? ..…………….. ...”

That pair have long fingernails, such as chicken feet as pale and slightly curly hand with the fingers to support the ground, the blood red sleeve, Cara can even see the green from the blood vessels black skin Lane revealed, the dark, can not say terrible.
She did not rise, the long and strange black ground cover in front of her face, Cara a tightening of the stomach, before she sick of the scene, she is now best hope is that the woman should not hold his head high and do not move, intuition told her that he must not think of her face. May not like what she had hoped the development of the woman slowly raised his head, as she moves slowly also long hours to both sides of the same revealed her pale face to see to Cara. Not! It can not be called a watch, Cara can not help but to scream out of control out of the woman and not only the white of the eye pupil, as Sensen, it is crazy terrorist. With the screaming Cara, That Ghost (Cara has identified the identity of her will not doubt that she is not a ghost) mouth laugh, Cara can not see her mouth with teeth, there just seems to see the end of phagocytosis of the people of the black throat, with laughter, his face pale Road together with the sudden appearance of a wound, the blood suddenly filled with the laughing face grimace. That expression of extreme and distorted sound, Cara can not imagine a more terrible than this scene, she would like to escape, but the body just like the filling of the lead can not be moved, and then, Cara sit and look at those hair fiercely burst long entangled from his throat, slowly tightened until her black eyes, then I can not breathe ... ...
Cara final in a perception of the screen is not that only the white of the eye pupil and her ghost is looking at the face-to-face distance ..
Cara suddenly collapsed, so we know what to do in the way to the hospital, Cara died, the cause of death because the heart of detached shock, who do not know when Cara collapsed in the end the experience of what, who do not know Cara when in the collapsed to see what in the end.

Fiona from Cara day passed away, then she bought it to sell houses because and kill her own best friend, everything, it seems, seems to have ended, can be all it seems only a beginning.

Six months later, Fiona work at home, read the newspaper at home when a newspaper found that news, the XX District XX City, XX Street, on the 13th of the 401 and 402 rooms and the XX City CC District CC Street on the 13th of 401, Room 402 Patinopecten successive gangs homicide, the death toll so far has been more than 14 people, 3 missing, and has yet to find missing persons, of which 14 were suffocated dead, lifeless great terror weapon for extremely long hair, the current The police investigation was in full swing, I hope members of the public after 23:00 will not go out, or knock on the door to alert strangers, it's best not to open the door, if there are any clues or information on this event source with the police, please contact . Grateful we are talking about. Thank you with.

Fiona put down the newspaper, when she caught in the midst of meditation, the emergence of a doubt in her mind, why is' it 'expands the scope of? And on at this time, all of a sudden, "knock, knock, knock "a cold, and no rules temperature knock on the door once again sounded outside her home ...

".. F.i.. O .... N.a? .. ... ... ... ... ... .. ..."


第1个回答  2009-08-02
That pair have long fingernails, such as chicken feet as pale and slightly curly泛青hand with the fingers to support the ground, the blood red衬着sleeve, Cara can even see the green from the blood vessels青白色black skin Lane revealed, the dark, can not say terrible.
She did not rise, the long and strange black披散ground cover in front of her face, Cara a tightening of the stomach, before she sick of the scene, she is now best hope is that the woman should not hold his head high and do not move, intuition told her that he must not think of her face. May not like what she had hoped the development of the woman slowly raised his head, as she moves slowly also那头long hours to both sides of the same revealed her pale face泛青to see to Cara. Not! It can not be called a watch, Cara can not help but to scream out of control out of the woman and not only the white of the eye pupil, as鬼气Sensen, it is crazy terrorist. With the screaming Cara, That Ghost (Cara has identified the identity of her will not doubt that she is not a ghost) mouth laugh, Cara can not see her mouth with teeth, there just seems to see the end of phagocytosis of the people of the black throat, with laughter, his face pale Road together with the sudden appearance of a wound, the blood suddenly filled with the laughing face grimace. That expression of extreme and distorted sound, Cara can not imagine a more terrible than this scene, she would like to escape, but the body just like the filling of the lead can not be moved, and then, Cara sit and look at those hair fiercely burst long entangled飞射from his throat, slowly tightened until her black eyes, then I can not breathe ... ...
Cara final in a perception of the screen is not that only the white of the eye pupil and her ghost is looking at the face-to-face distance ..
Cara suddenly collapsed, so we know what to do in the way to the hospital, Cara died, the cause of death because the heart of detached shock, who do not know when Cara collapsed in the end the experience of what, who do not know Cara when in the collapsed to see what in the end.

Fiona from Cara day passed away, then she bought it to sell houses because贪便宜and kill her own best friend, everything, it seems, seems to have ended, can be all it seems only a beginning.

Six months later, Fiona work at home, read the newspaper at home when a newspaper found that news, the XX District XX City, XX Street, on the 13th of the 401 and 402 rooms and the XX City CC District CC Street on the 13th of 401, Room 402 Patinopecten successive gangs homicide, the death toll so far has been more than 14 people, 3 missing, and has yet to find missing persons, of which 14 were suffocated dead, lifeless great terror weapon for extremely long hair, the current The police investigation was in full swing, I hope members of the public after 23:00 will not go out, or knock on the door to alert strangers, it's best not to open the door, if there are any clues or information on this event source with the police, please contact . Grateful we are talking about. Thank you with.

Fiona put down the newspaper, when she caught in the midst of meditation, the emergence of a doubt in her mind, why is' it 'expands the scope of? And on at this time, all of a sudden, "knock, knock, knock "a cold, and no rules temperature knock on the door once again sounded outside her home ...

".. F.i.. O .... N.a? .. ... ... ... ... ... .. ..."