跪求一首男声英文歌,歌词最后一句好象是:i don t want to be alone



1. 歌曲的故事性


再来看看Taylor Swift的<love story>:

”He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring

And said "Marry me Juliet

You'll never have to be alone

I love you and that's all I really know

I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress

It's a love story baby just say 'Yes'"


单膝跪地 - kneel to the ground

掏出戒指 - pull out a ring

知悉双亲 - talk to your dad

挑选白纱 - pick out a white dress



这个其实很好理解。就像很多人周杰伦的歌听多了,讲话都会有台湾腔一样(其实女生台湾腔还蛮好听的)。作为学习第二语言,我们还是尽量选择发音标准而清晰的。像mumber rapper这样的说唱类,即使很对你胃口,也不是特别适合用来作为学英语。

还有一点就是英音和美音的区别。比如Adele / Ed Sheeran就是标准的英音,而Taylor Swift / Justin Bieber都是美音代表。学习之初可以先想好自己的方向,然后尽量模仿一种。当然如果你特别有语言天分,可以自如转换的,可以忽略这一点。


第1个回答  推荐于2018-03-23
How Did I Fall In Love With You
Remember when we never needed each other
The best of friends like sister and brother
We understood we'd never be alone
Those days are gone now I want you so much
The night is long and I need your touch
Don't know what to say
Never meant to feel this way
Don't wanna be alone tonight
What can I do to make you mine
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say what did you do
How did I fall in love with you
I hear your voice and I start to tremble
Brings back the child that I resemble
I cannot pretend that we can still be friends
Don't wanna be alone tonight
What can I do to make you mine
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say what did you do

How did I fall in love with you
I wanna say this right
And it has to be tonight
Just need you to know
I don't wanna live this lie
I don't wanna say goodbye
With you I wanna spend the rest of my life
What can I do to make you mine
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say what did you do
How did I fall in love with you
What can I do to make you mine
Falling so hard so fast this time
Everything's changed we never knew
How did I fall in love with you本回答被网友采纳
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