第1个回答 2012-07-09
六岁半入小学,低年级时甚欢乐。班主任姓粱,极慈祥,伙伴亲密如一家。可惜好景不长,三年级插班时并入二班,亦搬家至先住地。此班同学待人冷漠,妒性强,不以诚心相对;搬家后住处离小学甚远,与同学不能互通有无,更增隔膜。在此班中度日如年,几欲转学而不得,只得整日学习,以慰无聊。常受老师表扬,实不知乃出于无奈。 毕业后,考入北京八中。此地环境优美,令人心怡。同学大都多才,且全班关系和-谐。老师深得学生之心。平日同学高谈阔论(吾班谓之“扯”),我时常混于其中,其乐融融。吾不爱体育,便去打电脑看小说。生活充实学业得志,不亦乐乎!现升入初二,今后之事,还未得知。 吾从小到大爱好甚多,却无一成为特长。琴棋书画,只略知其一。小学时得过些奖:在市英语科技竞赛中,一、二、三等奖各获过一次,在新加坡数学竞赛中获过三等奖,钢琴过了九级。中学后便无一所获。目前无大志,只把心胸豁达作为最高追求,喜爱金庸先生之《笑傲江湖》,及李白、辛弃疾之诗词。愿今后不负自己及家长之望,小事开心、大事顺利、少出差错,足矣。
Six and a half into low grade primary school, very happy. Class teacher surnamed Liang, extremely kind, close as a partner. But good times don't last long, the third grade students into two classes, also moved to first place. This class be standoffish, jealousy and strong, not sincere relative; after moving away from very far place primary school, and the students can not be mutual exchange of needed products, more diaphragm. In this class, and not to transfer, had to study all day, to propitiate the boring. Often praised by teachers, but is not as it cannot be helped. After graduation, was admitted to the Beijing eight. Here a beautiful environment, a. Students are only, and class relations and - harmonic. The teacher won the heart of the students. Usually students talk with eloquence ( my class called" pull" ), I often blended in among them, enjoyable. I don't love sports, and play computer read novels. Life is full of academic success, awfully! Now enter the first two days, the future things, is not known. My hobbies are small to large, but not as long. Fancies of men of letters, only about one. Primary school won some awards: in the city English science and technology competition, one or two prize, three won one, in Singapore math contest won three prize in the piano, after nine grade. School is not a win. There is no ambition, just put the open-minded as the highest pursuit, like Mr. Jin Yong's" the legendary swordsman", and Li Bai, Xin Qiji 's poetry. May the future without their parents and look, small, smooth, happy event made fewer mistakes,.
我这个人呀 我这个人呀! 小时候,妈妈常埋怨我:“你这个调皮鬼呀!”长大了,我常自嘲:“我这个人呀,就这样了。”什么样?用同学们的话来归纳:“你这个人呀,真是个怪人!” 有时候,我希望自己能快点长大,做一番惊天动地的大事,让周围的人全都惊诧不已。可有时候,又希望自己永远也别长大,做父母身边的小公主。 有一次,我和同学一起上街,看见一个小贩在欺侮一个外地人,我便梗着脖子去和小贩吵,那外地人乘机走了,我却白挨了一顿骂。同学拉走我说:“你这个怪人呀,管这闲事干嘛厂过后想想,自己也叹口气,我这个人呀! 老师讲课时突然打个饱嗝,别的同学都没有声音,我却笑出了声,被老师狠瞪了一眼。为什么别的同学能不笑,我却忍不住呢?我这个人呀! 学校组织同学看电影(战争,让女人走开>,当看到影片中营长妻子和副连长妻子等人听说部队将要开拔后杀猪的场面,我哭了。周围正说笑着的同学都惊诧地看着我。我想忍住,却怎么也忍不祝别人不笑的时候,我笑了;别人不哭的时候,我又哭了。我就是这么个怪人。有人说应学会控制感情,可我学不会,我只能任感情的小溪自由地流淌。 夜里,对着窗外的夜空,看着柠檬一样的月亮,我想得很多。也许在周围人眼里我是个难以理解的怪人,但我认为这种“怪”是实在的、可爱的。我就是我,为什么要想方设法去改变,去隐藏呢?也许我永远也改变不了,可我并不觉得遗憾,尽管我会自嘲:我这个人呀!这就是我。