
©2003 Basell Service Company B.V
For the contact details of the Basell company selling this product in your country, please visit the Basell website at www.basell.com.
Before using a Basell product, customers and other users should make their own independent determination that the product is suitable for the intend use. They should also ensure that they can use the Basell product safely and legally.(Material Safety Date Sheets are available from Basell at www.basell.com .)This document does not constitute a warranty, express or implied, including a warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No one is authorized to make such warranties or assume any liabilities on behalf of Basell except in a writing signed by an authorized Basell employee. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the exclusive remedy for all claims is replacement of the exclusive remedy for all claims is replacement of the product or refund of the purchase price at Basell’s option, and in no event shall Basell be liable for special,consequential,punitive,or exemplary damages.

Adflex,Adstif,Adsyl,Avant,Catalloy,Clyrell,Hifax,Higran,Histif,Hostacom,Hostalen,HliG,LupotechT,Metocene,Moplen,Pro-fax,Pro-fax,Ultra,Purell,Softell,Spherilene,Spheripol,Spherizone and stretchene are trademarks owned or used by Basell.

Adflex,Adstif,Adsyl,Clyell,Hifax,Hostacom,Hostalen,Lucalen,Luflexen,Lupolen,Lupotech,Moplen and Pro-fax are registered in the U.S.Patent and trademark office. Unless specifically indicated, the grades mentioned are not suitable for applications in the Pharmaceutical/medical sector
Release Date: 21 Mar 2004

?2003 Basell 服务公司 B V 。
对于连络 ,卖你的国家这一种产品的 Basell 公司的细节,请拜访 Basell 网站在www.basell.com
在使用一种 Basell 产品,客户和其他的使用者之前应该制造他们的产品是适当的自己独立的决心对那计划使用他们也应该确定他们能安全地而且法律上使用 Basell 产品(物质的安全日期张从 Basell 是可得的在。。www.basell.com .)这一份文件不构成一个担保,表达或暗示,包括为一个特别的目的 merchantability 或健身的一个担保没有人被授权发动如此的担保或者代表 Basell 承担任何的责任除了在被一位经认可的 Basell 职员签署的写作方面之外除非以书面方式以别的方式同意,独家的治疗法独家的治疗法为所有的要求是替换因为所有的要求是产品的替换,否则购买的偿还在 Basell's 的选项价格,而且在没有事件中 Basell 将对特别的,作为结果发生的,刑罚的,或可仿效的损害是有义务的吗。。。

Adflex , Adstif , Adsyl , Avant , Catalloy , Clyrell , Hifax , Higran , Histif , Hostacom , Hostalen , HliG , LupotechT , Metocene , Moplen ,亲传真的,亲传真的,过激论者, Purell , Softell , Spherilene,Spheripol , Spherizone 和 stretchene 是被拥有或被 Basell 用的商标。

Adflex , Adstif , Adsyl , Clyell , Hifax , Hostacom , Hostalen , Lucalen , Luflexen , Lupolen , Lupotech,Moplen 和亲传真的在 U.S.Patent 和商标办公室中被登记除非明确地指出,等级提到在药学的/医学的部门中对申请是不适当的。
释放日期: 21 2004 年三月
第1个回答  2019-05-20